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Chief Soil Scientist

Dr. Elaine Ingham, Soil Foodweb, is an American microbiologist, pioneer soil biology researcher and founder of Soil Foodweb, Inc. which works with laboratories to assess soil biology. She is known as a leader in soil microbiology and research on the soil food web. She is an author of the USDA's Soil Biology Primer. In 2011, Ingham was named as The Rodale Institute's chief scientist and most recently, Ingham became Director of Research at the Environment Celebration Institute's Farm near Berry Creek in Northern California, demonstrating the methods of biological agriculture to grow plants without pesticides or inorganic fertilizers.

Message from Dr. Elaine Ingham on January 4, 2018


The toxic chemicals in conventional agriculture are KILLING insects, and microbes. Then when those chemicals accumulate, they can kill larger organisms, like people. What Dr. Elaine Ingham does is teach people how to reverse these chemical dependencies.

"Conventional" agriculture is all about trying to get people to buy inorganic fertilizers, pesticides and minerals that kill the beneficial organisms in the soil so they are never then able to return to do the jobs that nature intended them to do. 

Of course, this keeps growers "addicted" to buying more, and more, and more of those chemicals from the big chemical companies.  And the money that the people doing the work --- i.e., the growers --- ends up in the bank accounts of the toxic chemical pushers, instead of staying in the grower's pocket.

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